How to Write a Successful Letter for Merch by Amazon. Sample Accepted Success Messages
How to write a successful message to get accepted in march by amazon?
Some points to consider when re-applying
When applying again, the following must be changed:
1- Computer and IP
2- Change of address
3- A new account must be created on Amazon and of course a new email.
4- Changing the bank account number (this point is overlooked by many.)
- Reapply using a di ff erent IP address son there’s no IP match between my logins. I was thinking to do it from a co ff ee shop with Wifi or something similar. Maybe it’s easier to do using a VPN or a proxy.
Create a new Amazon account using the VPN or Proxy and use the new email to reapply. This way there will not be an email match.
- Use a di ff erent street address. Since I used the address of my parents, this time I’ll use the current rented house I’m living in. What worries me here is that I’m from Spain and maybe that’s a drawback. It would be better to have a US street address. Not sure of this.
- Use a di ff erent bank account which I already have. Again, it’s a Spanish bank account.